Drug & Alcohol Testing
We work with you to provide the most effective drug and alcohol testing program for your business, whether that be oral fluid or urine testing; random, blanket or cause. With an understanding of your drug and alcohol policy, budget and operating constraints, our expert operations team develop the most effective testing regime for your organisation. Our drug and alcohol testing services are distinguished by the following:
Rapid Response
• 24/7, 365 days/year on-call for causal or post-incident testing
• Collector onsite within the hour (on average)
• Partner with NATA accredited laboratories for rapid confirmatory testing
Extensive collector network
• A large team of qualified collectors located right across Australia and in New Zealand
• Covering all metropolitan and key regional areas
Customer focus
• Free scheduling of random testing
• Minimum disruption to your business
• 24/7 availability to speak to a DASA representative
• Dr David Allen - Occupational Physician; Medical Review Officer for drug & alcohol testing
• John De Mellow – Specialist in laboratory and medical science
• Supported by experts in pharmacology, safety, operations and training
Committed to quality
• Certified to ISO9001:2016 quality management system
• ASNZS4760 certification for oral fluid drug testing
• ASNZS4308 certification for urine drug testing
• AS3547 compliant breath alcohol testing